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Here you will find information relating to SKK practice and philosophy. Feel free to research further yourself and remember to share your findings.

The "Principles" documents are mostly in the public domain, I have published SKK specific versions. They are worth studying as they are often referred to in training especially in Yudansha classes, I hope you find them useful.


Every technique must have the capacity to end the fight
There is more than one serviceable interpretation for the application of kata technique
In kata every move means something – there are no “filler” moves
There are no defensive movements - only counter offensive ones – no first attack principle.
Balance - take away the opponents - retain your own
Jumping techniques in kata generally mean that you have thrown your opponent
There is only one attacker in kata (forget this nonsense about 8 attackers it’s not the Movies!)
The returning hand “Hikite” usually has something in it!
Stances are vital to your success – do not ignore them (not the long Shotokan Zen kutsu Dachi)
Nothing is new – you’re not a superstar yet!


Fou-float:       Means uprooting an opponent via a sudden release of force, directed upwards. Float is the expansion of energy.
Chen-sink      This is used to control an opponent’s movement in the opposite direction of Float – dropping the opponent down.
T’un-swallow  To absorb and deflect the incoming force or attack. Inviting your opponent in then destroy him/her.
T’u-spit         This is the easiest to understand and probably the most common of these concepts that relate to modern karate.                      To eject releasing energy transferring the power from the technique to your opponent in punching, striking and                        kicking

As with the Principles of Technique above, this is a personal interpretation of the 4 principles of Quan-fa, based on research of material in the public domain. You will find many more if you study.


 Iron spear hand             The cutting or chopping hand, using little finger edge of hand
 Iron claw drilling hand    Seizing technique, with individual fingers squeezing into target
 Iron sand hand              Palm/palm heel strike, includes the open back hand and wrist
 Iron wing hand              Ridge hand strike around base of index finger
 Iron spear fingers hand  Hand strike using the fingertips pressed together 
 Iron dagger hand           Extended index finger



KANSETSU WAZA    Joint locks and manipulation techniques
SHIME WAZA          Choking techniques
NAGE WAZA           Throwing or tripping techniques
ATEMI WAZA          Striking techniques
KYUSHO WAZA       Striking vital points or pressure points. 
NE WAZA               Ground fighting



                                                          The Shotokan Karate do Kenkyujo Mon


Shotokan Karate do Kenkyujo is not a “badge” organisation; however, there is a need to promote an identity. To meet this need, the Shotokan Karate do Kenkyujo has agreed to adopt the crossed Hawk Feather Mon (Japanese crest).
This is a significant crest not exclusive to any one Japanese family but most famous for being the official Mon of the Asano clan and is our homage to the spirit-based Shotokan training delivered by the great Shotokan Master; Shiro Asano Hanshi Chief Instructor of Shotokan Karate International European Federation.

In ancient Japan, Hawk feathers represented courage and warrior families were fond of using them in their crests. Following the Meiji Restoration in the 19th century, every Japanese was granted the right to have a family name and the other privileges of the samurai class were abolished. Consequently, there arose a large-scale market for family crests (Kamon or Mon) which became available to all Japanese families. In the late 20thcentury some martial arts organisations began to adopt these Mon as their crests.

Description: The Shotokan Karate do Kenkyujo Mon is made up of two red crossing Hawk feathers with the left feather superimposed upon the right feather, both feathers pointing up at 45-degree angles on a white background. All enclosed in a red circle.

Japanese Proverb: The Hawk with Talent Hides its Talons, in Japanese is:
能ある鷹は爪を隠す translated as; “nou aru taka wa tsume wo kakusu.”


                                            "A wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve”

The hawk attacks only from necessity and is renowned for its amazing fleetness of attack and pin-point accuracy of its strike. In British heraldry the colour red signifies a warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity whilst silver/white (argent) denotes peace and sincerity. The red circle signifies unity of purpose.
These meanings reflect very accurately the practice philosophy of the Shotokan Karate do Kenkyujo.

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